As an airplane is taking off and is gaining altitude, the pilot comes on the intercom: “Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your ...

Pilot On The Intercom Pilot On The Intercom

Pilot On The Intercom

Pilot On The Intercom

As an airplane is taking off and is gaining altitude, the pilot comes on the intercom:

“Ladies and Gentlemen, this is your Captain speaking. Thank you for choosing American Airlines. We are on our way to Miami and will reach cruisi….. FU***NG SH***T!! god FU***NG DVMN IT!!! WHAT THE FVCK!!!”

For a moment, there as an eerie silence in the cabin. Then the pilot comes back on: “I do apologize, but our new stewardess spilled hot coffee on my lap. You should have seen my pants from the front.”

A passenger in the cabin says, “You should have seen my pants from the back.”

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