While he is slowly moving through the empty and dark house, he hears a strange voice voice coming from the darkness beyond,...

Jesus is watching you! Jesus is watching you!

Jesus is watching you!

Jesus is watching you!

While he is slowly moving through the empty and dark house, he hears a strange voice voice coming from the darkness beyond, that said:

“Jesus is watching you!”

Surprised, the burglar points his flashlight at the direction of the sound, only to discover that the sound was made by a parrot.

Angry, the burglar says:

“So you are the little s.

that almost made me s.

my pants? Oh you winged rat, I should stew you in boiling water for that!”

The parrot then says:

“Saint Peter is watching you.”

Intrigued, the burglar says:

“I’ve lost my faith a long time ago, I don’t believe in any of these religious nonsense

What is your name, little bird?”

The parrot replies:

“My name is Judas.”

The burglar burts out laughting and asks:

“What kind of stupid jerk would name a parrot Judas?”

The parrot promptly responds:

“The same stupid jerk that named Jesus and Saint Peter the two Pit Bulls behind you.”

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