A 16 yrs old boy asks his father.  “ Dad, what are you going to get me for my 18th bday? The father answers: “Son, that’s s...

Story ‣ I Give You My Heart Story ‣ I Give You My Heart

Story ‣ I Give You My Heart

Story ‣ I Give You My Heart

A 16 yrs old boy asks his father. Dad, what are you going to get me for my 18th bday?

The father answers: “Son, that’s still a long way”…

Now, he is 17 years old and one day faints. His father takes him to the hospital and the Doc says: “Sir, your child had a bad heart.” Lying on the stretcher the boy asks: “Dad, Am I going to die? 

Father starts crying nodding his head in No. the boy recovers on his 18th birthday and comes home and on his bed was a letter his father had left him.

The letter said:

Son, if you reading this its because you made it. remember one day you asked me about your gift on your 18th bday. I didn’t have the answer, but. This bday, I give you my heart. Happy birthday, son”

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