There was a farmer who had a horse and a goat. One day, the horse became ill and he called the veterinarian, who said: Well...

A horse and a goat A horse and a goat

There was a farmer who had a horse and a goat.

One day, the horse became ill and he called the veterinarian, who said: Well, your horse has a virus.

He must take this medicine for three days I’ll come back on the 3rd day and if he’s not better, we’re going to have to put him down.

Nearby, the goat listened closely to their conversation.

The next day, they gave him the medicine and left.

The goat approached the horse and said: Be strong, my friend get up or else they’re going to put you to sleep!

On the second day, they gave him the medicine and left.

The goat came back and said: Come on buddy, get up or else you’re going to die!

Come on, I’ll help you get up let’s go! One, two, three…

On the third day, they came to give him the medicine and the vet said: Unfortunately, we’re going to have to put him down tomorrow otherwise, the virus might spread and infect the other horses.

After they left, the goat approached the horse and said: Listen pal, it’s now or never! Get up, come on!

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The late king of a known Kingdom had ten wild dogs. He used them to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake....

The late king of a known Kingdom The late king of a known Kingdom

The late king of a known Kingdom had ten wild dogs.

He used them to torture and eat any of his servants who made a mistake.

One of the servants gave an opinion which was wrong, and the king didn’t like it at all.

So he ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs.

The servant said, “I served you for ten years, and you do this to me? Please give me ten days before throwing me to those dogs!”

The king agreed.

In those ten days, the servant went to the guard who looks after the dogs and told him he would like to serve the dogs for the next ten days.

The guard was baffled but agreed, and the servant started feeding the dogs, cleaning for them, bathing them, and providing all sorts of comfort for them.

When the ten days were over, the king ordered that the servant be thrown to the dogs for his punishment.

When he was thrown in, we were all amazed to see the ravenous dogs only licking the feet of the servant!

The king, baffled at what he was seeing, said, ”What has happened to my dogs?”

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… day, so the Angel must decide which of them gets in. The Angel asks Dolly if there’s some particular reason why she shoul...

Queen Queen

… day, so the Angel must decide which of them gets in.

The Angel asks Dolly if there’s some particular reason why she should go to Heaven.

Dolly takes off her top and says, ‘Look at these, they’re the most perfect breasts God ever created, and I’m sure it will please God to be able to see them every day, for eternity.

‘The Angel thanks Dolly, and asks Her Majesty the same question.

The Queen takes a bottle of Perrier out of her purse, drinks it down.
Then, pees into a toilet and pulls the lever.

The Angel says, ‘OK, your Majesty, you may go in.

‘Dolly is outraged and asks, ‘What was that all about?

A father puts his 3-year old daughter to bed. His daughter wanted to say a prayer before sleeping, so the father listened...

Whispers of Love: A Father and Daughter’s Journey through Goodbyes and Memories Whispers of Love: A Father and Daughter’s Journey through Goodbyes and Memories

A father puts his 3-year old daughter to bed. His daughter wanted to say a prayer before sleeping, so the father listened. “God bless mommy, God bless daddy, God bless Grandma, Good bye Grandpa” The father asked, “Why did you say good bye Grandna?” The little girl looked up at her father with innocent eyes, her small hands clasped together. “Because, Daddy, Grandma told me that Grandpa has gone to live with the angels in the sky, and we should say goodbye before we sleep.”

The father felt a lump in his throat, touched by his daughter’s tender understanding of life and death. He gently hugged her, recognizing that children often comprehend more than we give them credit for.

With a thoughtful expression, he asked, “Do you miss Grandpa?”

The little girl nodded, her eyes shimmering with a hint of sadness. “Yes, Daddy. But Grandma said that even though we can’t see Grandpa, he’s always watching over us from the sky.”

Touched by the wisdom of his young daughter, the father decided to share a comforting thought. “You know, sweetheart, saying goodbye doesn’t mean we forget someone. It means we cherish the memories we had with them. Grandpa might not be here with us, but he will always be a part of our hearts and our memories.”

The father tucked his daughter into bed, kissed her forehead, and whispered a silent prayer for both his daughter and his late father. As he left the room, he couldn’t shake the profound simplicity of the child’s perspective.

In the days that followed, the father found himself reflecting on the cyclical nature of life. He spent more time with his daughter, sharing stories about her grandfather, celebrating the legacy he left behind. Together, they looked at photo albums and talked about the love that connected their family across generations.

As the years passed, the little girl continued to grow, carrying the lessons of love and remembrance with her.

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An 80-year-old woman is arrested for shoplifting. She appears before the judge accompanied by her husband. The judge: – W...

The Sweet Heist: A Hilarious Tale of Love, Laughter, and Stolen Peaches at 80! The Sweet Heist: A Hilarious Tale of Love, Laughter, and Stolen Peaches at 80!

An 80-year-old woman is arrested for shoplifting. She appears before the judge accompanied by her husband. The judge: – What did you steal, madam? – A can of peaches, sir! The courtroom was filled with a hushed anticipation as the 80-year-old woman, Mrs. Eleanor Higgins, stood before the judge, her wispy white hair and mischievous twinkle in her eye making her seem more like a mischievous grandma than a common criminal. Her husband, Harold, stood beside her, looking more bewildered than anything else.The judge, trying to maintain a stern demeanor, arched an eyebrow at Mrs. Higgins. “A can of peaches?” he repeated, incredulously.

“Yes, sir. But there’s more to the story,” she said with a sly grin, earning a disapproving glare from the bailiff.

“Let’s hear it then,” the judge sighed, expecting some mundane explanation for the petty theft.

“Well, you see, sir,” Mrs. Higgins began, her voice carrying a mischievous tone, “it was our 60th wedding anniversary, and Harold here forgot to buy the peaches for our special fruit salad!”

The courtroom erupted in laughter, even the judge couldn’t suppress a chuckle. “So, you stole peaches to save your anniversary celebration?”

“Yes, your honor! And let me tell you, those peaches were the sweetest, juiciest ones I’ve ever tasted!” Mrs. Higgins declared, a twinkle in her eye as if she was reliving the heist.

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A chicken farmer went to the local bar He sat next to a woman and ordered champagne. The woman said: “How strange, I also...

An Other Rooster An Other Rooster

A chicken farmer went to the local bar

He sat next to a woman and ordered champagne.

The woman said: “How strange, I also just ordered a glass of champagne.”

“What a coincidence,” said the farmer, who added, “It is a special day for me

I'm celebrating”

“It is a special day for me too, I am also celebrating!” said the woman.

“What a coincidence.” said the farmer.

While they toasted, the farmer asked, “What are you celebrating?”

“My husband and I have been trying to have a child for years...

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He dialed the employee’s home phone number and was greeted with a child’s whispered “Hello?” “Feeling put out at the incon...

He dialed the employee’s home He dialed the employee’s home

He dialed the employee’s home phone number and was greeted with a child’s whispered “Hello?”

“Feeling put out at the inconvenience of having to talk to the youngster, the boss asked, “Is your Daddy home?”

“Yes,” whispered the small voice.

“May I talk with him? ” the man asked.

To the surprise of the boss, the small voice whispered, “No.”

“Wanting to talk with an adult, the boss asked, “Is your Mommy there?”

“Yes,” came the answer.

“May I talk with her?”

“Again the small voice whispered, “No.”

Knowing that it was not likely that a young child would be left home alone, the boss decided he would just leave a message with the person who should be there watching over the child.

“Is there anyone there besides you?” the boss asked the child.

“Yes,” whispered the child, “A policeman.”

Wondering what a cop would be doing at his employee’s home, the boss asked, “May I speak with the policeman?”

“No, he’s busy,” whispered the child.

“Busy doing what?” asked the boss.

“Talking to Daddy and Mommy and the Fireman,” came the whispered answer.

Growing concerned and even worried as he heard what sounded like a helicopter through the ear piece on the phone, the boss asked, “What is that noise?”

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A mobile phone on a bench rings, and a man puts the phone on speaker and begins to talk as he puts on his golf shoes. Every...

A man puts the phone on speaker A man puts the phone on speaker

A mobile phone on a bench rings, and a man puts the phone on speaker and begins to talk as he puts on his golf shoes.

Everyone else in the room stops to listen.

Man: “Hello?”

Woman: “Honey, its me. Are you at the club?”

Man: “Yes.”

Woman: “I’m at the mall now and found this beautiful leather coat.

It’s only 1200 dollars right now, down from 1900

Is it okay if I buy it?”

Man: “Sure, go ahead if you like it that much.”

Woman: “Oh, thanks so very much. I also stopped by the Mercedes garage this morning and saw the new models. There was one that I really, really liked.”

Man: “How much?”

Woman: “80.000.”

Man: “OK, but for that price I want it with all the optional extras.”

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