A married couple is driving along a highway doing a steady 40 miles per hour. The husband is behind the wheel His wife sud...

The Airbag The Airbag

A married couple is driving along a highway doing a steady 40 miles per hour.

The husband is behind the wheel

His wife suddenly looks across at him and speaks in a clear voice.

“I know we have been married for over twenty years, but I want a divorce.

The husband says nothing, he keeps looking at the road ahead but slowly increases his speed to 45mph.

The wife speaks again

“I don't want you to try to talk me out of it.”

She says, “because I've been having an affair with your best friend, and he is a far better lover than you are.”

Again the husband stays quiet, but grips the steering wheel more tightly and slowly increases the speed to 55mph.

She pushes her luck.

“I want a house.” She says insistently

Up to 60 mph

“I want the car, too.”

She continues


“And,” she says, “I'll have the bank accounts, all the credit cards and the boat!”

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A man absolutely hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leav...

A man hated his wife’s cat A man hated his wife’s cat

A man absolutely hated his wife’s cat and decided to get rid of him one day by driving him 20 blocks from his home and leaving him at the park.

As he was getting home, the cat was walking up the driveway.

The next day he decided to drive the cat 40 blocks away. He put the beast out and headed home.

Driving back up his driveway, there was the cat! He kept taking the cat further and further and the cat would always beat him home.

At last he decided to drive a few miles away, turn right, then left, past the bridge, then right again and another right until...

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The first guy goes in and kicks a.., best job interview he's ever done in his life End of the interview comes around...

Three Guys Go In For A Job Interview Three Guys Go In For A Job Interview

The first guy goes in and kicks a.., best job interview he's ever done in his life

End of the interview comes around, the interviewer says:

“By the way, do you notice anything strange about me?”

“Yeah,” says the guy… “You don't have any EARS, man!”

“I'm sorry, says the interviewer, but I'm very sensitive about my ears, I'm afraid you're not the right person for this job, get the hell out of my office!”

The second guy goes in, it's the same thing, he is doing amazing, best job interview ever

Talks himself into 20K a year more than the advertised salary

End of the interview comes around, the interviewer says:

“By the way, do you notice anything strange about me?”

“Yeah,” says the guy… “You don't have any EARS, man!”

“I'm sorry, says the interviewer, but I'm very sensitive about my ears, I'm afraid you're not the right person for this job, get out of my office!”

So the third guy's about to go in, but the first and second guy stop him and warn him “Hey, I don't care how good you're doing, how comfortable you feel, don't say ANYTHING about his ears, he'll throw you right out!”

So the third guy goes in

Again, same thing, an AMAZING interview

End of the interview comes around, the interviewer says:

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A woman goes to Italy to attend a 2-week, company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her ...

Tokens of Love: A Journey Through Italy and the Art of Thoughtful Souvenirs Tokens of Love: A Journey Through Italy and the Art of Thoughtful Souvenirs

A woman goes to Italy to attend a 2-week, company training session. Her husband drives her to the airport and wishes her to have a good trip. The wife answers: “Thank you honey, what would you like me to bring for you?” The husband laughs and says:

“Surprise me! Just make sure it’s something that captures the essence of Italy.”

The woman boards her flight, excited about the upcoming training but also determined to find the perfect souvenir for her husband. The two weeks pass quickly as she immerses herself in work and explores the beautiful surroundings. On the last day, she ventures into a quaint Italian market, hoping to find something special for her husband.

As she wanders through the colorful stalls filled with handmade crafts, aromatic spices, and vibrant fabrics, the woman’s eyes fall upon a small antique shop tucked away in a narrow alley. Intrigued, she enters the shop and discovers a collection of vintage postcards from various Italian cities.

Thinking it would be a unique and personal gift, she carefully selects a postcard from each city she visited, capturing the essence of the different regions. Alongside the postcards, she finds a beautifully handcrafted leather journal, adorned with intricate Italian designs. Excited about her finds, she purchases them and heads back to her hotel to prepare for her journey home.

Upon her return, the woman surprises her husband with the thoughtful gifts. As he unwraps the postcards and flips through the journal, he is touched by the effort she put into selecting something meaningful from each place she visited.

Over the following weeks, the couple reminisces about the beautiful images on the postcards, imagining the bustling streets of Rome, the serene canals of Venice, and the picturesque landscapes of Tuscany. The leather journal becomes a cherished possession, where they jot down their dreams and plans for future adventures together.

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It was anniversary and  (Wife) was waiting for her husband to show up. After some years of marriage things changed between...

It was anniversary and wife was waiting It was anniversary and wife was waiting

It was anniversary and  (Wife) was waiting for her husband to show up.

After some years of marriage things changed between them.

Once cute couple who couldn’t live without each other now had turned bit bitter

They were now fighting over every little things, both don’t like changes came into their marriage.

Wife was waiting to see if (Husband) remembered that it was their wedding anniversary.

As the door bell rang she ran toward door and open it with a smile and bunch of flowers to greet her husband.

Both started to celebrate. They wanted to make up for fights.

They planned to for champagne, light music.

Suddenly the phone in the bedroom rang.

Ria went to pick it up.

On call there was a man who said, “Hello mam i am calling from the police station.

Is this Mr. Manoj Kumar number?”

She replied, “Yes it is!”

“I am sorry mam but there has been an accident and man died.

We got this number from his wallet. Can you please come and identify body?”

man replied. Ria was shocked!! “But my husband is with me here.!”, she replied.

“Sorry mam but the incident took place in afternoon while he was getting off bus.” Man replied.

Ria was about to lose her conscience. “How to could this happen?”, She thought to herself.

She had read stories about souls returning to meet their loved ones after their death before it leaves.!! Her heart sank...

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A woman comes home and hears a strange noise coming from her daughter’s room. She opens the door and catches her daughter ...

Virtual Bonds: A Mother-Daughter Journey Against Bullying Virtual Bonds: A Mother-Daughter Journey Against Bullying

A woman comes home and hears a strange noise coming from her daughter’s room. She opens the door and catches her daughter trying to She opens the door and catches her daughter trying to play a game on her laptop, but the atmosphere in the room is tense. The young girl, Sarah, quickly shuts the laptop and looks up with a guilty expression. The strange noise that had initially alarmed her mother was the sound of frantic mouse clicks and muffled voices coming from the online game.

Concerned, Sarah’s mother, Emily, takes a step forward and notices a tear streaming down her daughter’s cheek. “Sarah, what’s going on? Why are you playing this game? And why are you crying?” Emily asks, her worry deepening.

Sarah hesitates for a moment, then takes a deep breath before confessing, “Mom, I’ve been having a really hard time at school. I’ve been bullied, and I felt so alone. I started playing this game as a way to escape and make friends online. But now, even here, people are being mean to me.”

Emily’s heart sinks as she listens to her daughter’s revelation. She sits down beside Sarah and wraps her arms around her. “I’m so sorry you’re going through this, sweetheart. You don’t have to face it alone. We’ll figure this out together.”

Over the next few days, Emily takes proactive steps to address the bullying issue at school. She meets with teachers, the school counselor, and even the parents of the kids involved. Simultaneously, she learns more about the online game that Sarah had turned to for solace. Emily decides to join her daughter in the virtual world, hoping to understand it better and perhaps find a way for Sarah to enjoy it without encountering negativity.

As mother and daughter navigate the challenges both in the real world and the virtual one, their bond strengthens. Emily encourages Sarah to express her feelings and seek support, not just in the game but also among her friends and family. Together, they work towards creating a safe space for Sarah to cope with the difficulties she faces.

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The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know....

Beyond the Icebreaker: A Friendship Born on the First Day of School Beyond the Icebreaker: A Friendship Born on the First Day of School

The first day of school our professor introduced himself and challenged us to get to know someone we didn’t already know. I stood up to look around when a gentle hand touched my shoulder. I turned around to see a fellow student smiling warmly at me. Her name was Emily, and she had a kindness in her eyes that instantly made me feel at ease.

“Hi there! I’m Emily,” she greeted, extending her hand. I shook it, introducing myself, and we decided to partner up for the professor’s icebreaker challenge.

As we chatted, Emily shared stories of her love for art, her adventurous spirit, and her dream of traveling the world. I found myself opening up about my interests and aspirations too. We discovered common hobbies, shared laughter over silly anecdotes, and before we knew it, the icebreaker challenge had turned into a genuine connection.

Throughout the semester, Emily and I became inseparable. We attended classes together, studied late at the library, and explored the city on weekends. Our friendship deepened, and I marveled at how a simple classroom activity had brought such a remarkable person into my life.

As the school year progressed, Emily faced a personal challenge. Her enthusiasm dimmed, and I could sense her struggle. Determined to be there for her as she had been for me, I offered a listening ear and a comforting shoulder. Together, we navigated the ups and downs of life, realizing that true friendship extends beyond shared interests; it’s about supporting each other through the storms.

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Mary is saying goodbye to her husband, John, as he nears death.”My love,” said John. “Before I die, I must confess that I...

Love’s Last Confession: Secrets, Laughter, and a Final Adventure Love’s Last Confession: Secrets, Laughter, and a Final Adventure

Mary is saying goodbye to her husband, John, as he nears death.”My love,” said John. “Before I die, I must confess that I was once unfaithful to you with another woman. In our fifty

years of marriage, I had a brief moment of weakness.”

Mary, shocked and saddened, looks at John with teary eyes but decides to stay composed. “Oh, John,” she says, “after all these years, why bring this up now? Let’s focus on the time we have left together.”

John, visibly relieved that Mary is handling it so well, nods appreciatively. “Thank you, Mary. I love you.”

Mary leans in and whispers in John’s ear, “Well, John, since we’re being honest, there’s something I need to confess too.”

John, intrigued, looks at Mary. “What is it, my love?”

Mary smiles mischievously, “I also cheated on you, John. Twice. Once when we were in our thirties, and then again in our forties.”

John’s eyes widen, and he coughs in surprise. “Twice? Why didn’t you ever tell me?”

Mary pats his hand, “Well, I figured if you held onto your secret for fifty years, I could at least keep mine for a little while. Besides, I forgave you a long time ago.”

John, now both shocked and amused, chuckles weakly. “I guess we both had our moments, didn’t we?”

Mary nods, “Indeed. And you know what, John? Despite it all, we’ve had an amazing life together.”