So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300 worth of groceries while the employee that wants $15 an hour &...

Walmart Joke Walmart Joke


So I am at Walmart scanning and bagging my almost $300 worth of groceries while the employee that wants $15 an hour "monitors" and then this happened.

Her - why are you double bagging all of your groceries?

Me - excuse me?

Her - you are wasting our bags!

Me - if you don't like the way I'm bagging the groceries, feel free to come on over here and bag them yourself.

Her - that's not my job!

Me - okay, then I will bag my groceries how I please if that's all right with you.

Her - why are you using two bags?!

Me - because the bags are weak and I don't want the handles to break or the bottoms to rip out.

Her - well that's because you are putting too much stuff in the bag. If you took half of that stuff out and put it in a different bag then you wouldn't need to double bag.

*10 seconds of me just staring at her.

Me - so you want me to split these items in half and put half of them in a different bag so that I don't have to double bag.

Her - exactly.

Me - so I would still be using two bags to hold the same number of items.

Her - no because you wouldn't be double bagging.

*me pressing two fingers to my left eye in an attempt to make it stop twitching.

Me - okay so here I have a jug of milk and a bottle of juice double bagged. If I take the milk out and remove the double bagging and just put the milk in the single bag and the juice in that single bag I'm still using two bags for these two items.

Her- no because you are not double bagging them so it's not the same number of bags.

*me looking around at about 10 other customers who at this point are enjoying the show.

Me- is this like that Common Core math stuff I keep hearing about?

Her- never mind you just don't get it.

And with that, she went back to her little Podium so she could continue texting or playing games on her phone or whatever it was she was doing before she decided to come over and critique my bagging skills.😂

    In a quiet classroom, a little girl tells her teacher a big secret. This story centers on Rachel, a seven-year-old gir...

7-Year-Old Girl Scared Her Mom Because She Knew Her Secret 7-Year-Old Girl Scared Her Mom Because She Knew Her Secret



In a quiet classroom, a little girl tells her teacher a big secret. This story centers on Rachel, a seven-year-old girl, and her teacher, who uncovers a tale no child her age should ever have to endure.Hey there, I’m Susan, a second-grade teacher with more stories from the classroom than I can count. But there’s one story that sticks out, one that’s stayed with me long after the school bell rang.

sound brave, but I could hear the hurt tucked away in there.I gently asked, “What do you mean, Rachel? What secret?”She paused for a second, playing with the edge of her desk edge, and then she whispered, “She thinks I’m gonna tell about the man who comes over when Daddy’s not there.” Just saying it so straightforward, so innocently, really got to me.What Rachel saw was a man who stayed over when her dad was gone on trips. She didn’t mean to see him, but she did. And now, it’s like there’s this big secret between her and her mommy, all ’cause of that.Hearing that, my heart just sank. Here was this little girl, caught in the middle of something no kid should ever have to deal with.The next time Rachel’s mom came by, looking all rushed and saying she was held up with work again, I couldn’t just let it slide. I asked her, as gently as I could, if she was avoiding Rachel. She brushed it off with a hurried apology, but the guilt was written all over her face.Things came to a head about a month later. It wasn’t Rachel’s mom who came to pick her up but her dad. That’s when I learned Rachel had told him everything she saw. The fallout was swift. Her dad confronted her mom, and before we knew it, she had packed up and left.It was a mess, a real sad mess. But through it all, Rachel was stronger than anyone could’ve expected from a kid her age. She decided to stay with her dad, and slowly, they started to build a new kind of normal together.Watching them, I couldn’t help but think about how resilient kids can be, how they can surprise you with their strength.It was a lesson in not just the struggles some of them face outside these school walls but also in the incredible courage they can show in facing those challenges.What are your thoughts on this story? Drop a comment below our Facebook post—we’d love to hear your take on it.And if Rachel’s journey resonated with you, don’t keep it to yourself. Share this post and spread the word. Let’s bring these important conversations into the open.

    When Kristen’s four-year-old daughter returns from a visit with her grandmother, she reveals a secret to her. Kristen ...

My MIL Visited Us While I Was Out of Home – When I Returned My Daughter Told Me Something That Shattered Our Family My MIL Visited Us While I Was Out of Home – When I Returned My Daughter Told Me Something That Shattered Our Family



When Kristen’s four-year-old daughter returns from a visit with her grandmother, she reveals a secret to her. Kristen has to figure out whether Katie’s innocence has clouded the story, or is it the cold, hard truth. I always told myself that when my children asked about where they came from, that I’d have a proper answer. Something witty and cool, and just different. I remember cringing when my parents described it to my younger brother, and I knew that I wanted to do things differently. But then, while we were sitting outside, and toasting smores, my four-year-old, Katie, looked up at me, her eyes wide with the boundless curiosity of youth.

Mommy,” she said slowly, as if trying to choose her words properly. “Yes, Katie?” I asked, already bemused because when she called me like this, it meant that my child was about to make me laugh. She smiled at me as she took a bite of her smore, the chocolate oozing onto her little fingers. “Mommy, how did I appear?” she asked, her voice filled with wonder. “Appear?” I asked, hoping that I didn’t need a witty answer so soon. Where did I come from?”

she asked, picking up another marshmallow. I hesitated. I didn’t know how to explain it to a four-year-old — I always thought that the creation question came later on. So, I stole my mother’s line. “Well, sweetheart, when Dad and I fell in love, we planted a seed. And soon after, you were born,” I explained to her, wanting to laugh at myself. “Like a tree? A seed for a tree?”

details. He just told me that she waspregnant and he didn’t know what to do.” “What do you think we should do?” I asked. “Honey, when Sam’s father had his affair, I divorced him. I’m not saying that you should do the same. But I am saying that some betrayals are just too deep. I know he’s my son. And that I should be supporting him. But when he told me — all I could think about was when I saw my husband with his mistress, and her big belly.” I wondered what Gloria was telling me, whether there was some hidden message to her words. “What about Katie?” I asked, desperate for advice. “She doesn’t know anything specific. To her understanding, I’m the one having the baby.” “Put your child first, Kristen, by all means. But just remember that you’ll have to live with the consequences, too.” We drove in silence, Katie looking out the window at the sunset. When we got home, I sat at the kitchen table lost in thought — I didn’t know what the next move should be. My love for Sam had died the moment he admitted the truth. Would it be the worst thing for our marriage to end, too? It felt over. He had sought solace outside of our marriage. Katie climbed onto my lap, wrapping her tiny arms around me. “Mommy, don’t be sad,” she said. “I love you a hundred, thousand, million.” I sighed, holding onto her tightly. It was Katie’s innocence that had unveiled the bitter truth, but it was also her love that reminded me of my strength. With her by my side, I knew that I could face the uncertain future with Sam. It was time for a new beginning for Katie and myself.

  Two factory workers are talking. The woman says, “I can make the boss give me the day off.” The man replies, “And how wo...

Boss and Worker Boss and Worker


Two factory workers are talking.

The woman says, “I can make the boss give me the day off.”

The man replies, “And how would you do that?”

The woman says, “Just wait and see.”

She then hangs upside-down from the ceiling.

The boss comes in and says, “What are you doing?”

The woman replies, “I’m a light bulb.”

The boss then says, “You’ve been working so much that you’ve gone crazy. I think you need to take the day off.”

The man starts to follow her and the boss says, “Where are you going?”

The man says, “I’m going home, too. I can’t work in the dark.” 

   A Blonde Goes On Who Wants To Be A Millionaire Regis: “Barbara, you’ve done very well so far – $500,000 and one lifeli...

A Blonde Goes On Who Wants To Be A Millionaire. A Blonde Goes On Who Wants To Be A Millionaire.


A Blonde Goes On Who Wants To Be A Millionaire

Regis: “Barbara, you’ve done very well so far – $500,000 and one lifeline left — phone a friend.

The next question will give you the top prize of One Million dollars if you get it right … but if you get it wrong you will drop back to $32,000 — are you ready?”

Barbara: “Sure, I’ll have a go!”

Regis: “Which of the following birds does not build its own nest?……Is it……..

A-Robin, B-Sparrow, C-Cuckoo, D-Thrush

Remember Barbara it’s worth 1 Million dollars.”

“I think I know who it..but I’m not 100%…

No, I haven’t got a clue. I’d like to phone a friend, Regis, just to be sure.

Regis: “Yes, who, Barbara, do you want to phone?

Barbara: “I’ll phone my friend Maggie back home in Birmingham.”


Maggie (also a blonde): “Hello…”

Regis: “Hello Maggie, its Regis here from Who Wants to be a Millionaire-I have Barbara here and she is doing really well on $500,000 but needs your help to be a Million.

The next voice you hear will be Barbara’s and she’ll read you the question.

There are 4 possible answers and 1 correct answer and you have 30 seconds to answer — fire away Barbara.”

Barbara: “Maggie, which of the following birds does not build its own nest? Is it:

A-Robin, B-Sparrow, C-Cuckoo, D-Thrush”

Maggie: “Oh Gees, Barbara that’s simple…..It’s Cuckoo.”

Barbara: “You think?”

Maggie: “I’m sure.”

Barbara: ” Thanks, Maggie.” (hangs up)

Regis: “Well, do you want to stick on $500,000 or play on for the Million, Barbara?”

Barbara: “I want to play, I’ll go with C-Cuckoo”

Regis: “Is that your final answer?”

Barbara: “It is.”

Regis: “Are you confident?”

Barbara: “Yes fairly, Maggie’s a sound bet.”

Regis: “Barbara… had $500,000 and you said C-Cuckoo …you’re right! – You have just won ONE MILLION DOLLARS. Here is your check. You have been a great contestant and a real gambler. Audience please put your hands together for Barbara.”


That night Barbara calls round to Maggie and brings her down to a local bar for a celebration drink and, as they are sipping their Champagne, Barbara turns to Maggie and asks

“Tell me, Maggie, How in God’s name did you know that it was the Cuckoo that does not build its own nest?

Maggie: “Listen, Barbara, everybody knows that a Cuckoo lives in a clock.”